b'LEADERSHIP 13ELLESMERES ASPIRATIONS FOR PUPILS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HIGHER THAN SIMPLY PASSING EXAMINATIONS: HOWEVER VITAL THIS IS, IT IS NOT ENOUGH ON ITS OWN. We aim high and encourage all our students to be stunningly successful at what they do best - but never by becoming narrow specialists. Ellesmerians must be all-rounders.Above all, they must be leaders.Leaders, notAll our students, of all ages, are eligible for positions commanders.Youll detect no trace of public schoolof responsibility - responsibility, not power.They elitism at Ellesmere. Our students see themselves aslearn leadership through collaboration: through team fortunate, not privileged. sports, the Combined Cadet Force, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.They learn through the Leadership here is defined as the ability to generatecountless activities and opportunities we offer them. a good idea, carry it forward, surf the setbacks andJust one example is the inter-House drama festival. see it through.This calls for optimism, self-knowledgePlays are chosen, directed, staged, performed - and team working skills.It calls for original thought. sometimes even written - by the students themselves.It calls for resilience.It calls for charisma, not bossiness; for confidence, never arrogance.Its a tough world out there.You know that.But with the right emotional equipment its also a lot of fun. In short, all the qualities needed for a lifetime of successful adulthood.And thats the point. Pupils personal development benefits considerably from the well-established and highly successful MUN, CCF and DofE programmes.Independent Schools Inspectorate'