b'Academic success at Ellesmere is doing the very best you can. Ellesmere is not an exam factoryW.e welcome a wide range of academic ability here. Ellesmere is not academically exclusive.We welcome students from all backgrounds. Ellesmere is not socially exclusive. We take pride in the achievements of each and every studentaccordingtohisorherabilities,notjustintheachievementsofthebrightestandthebest .Ellesmere is people centred, not statistics obsessed. We focus on the individual, not on our shop window. Everyone is valued equally. If a student is outstandingly good at something, that does not make him or her better than anyone else.Ellesmere takes sport very seriously - sport for all. We dont cream off the best and forget the rest. We like students with lots of interests and enthusiasms. Ellesmere is not a school for narrow specialists. We like students who love to have a go at new things. Ellesmere is not a school for people who hold back. We relish the rich range of personalities we have here. There is no such person as a typical Ellesmerian. Ellesmere is famously forward looking and innovative. Youll never catch this school clinging to tradition for its own sake or resting on its laurels. Ellesmeres environment is rural. Its outlook is global.Ellesmere College is very successful in meeting its aims to provide anall-round education for pupils in a happy and caring environmentIndependent Schools Inspectorate'