b'LeadershipViva Voce Festival of Spoken English CCF PresentationsStudents from a number of Shropshire schools have battled it out in a bid to have the last word at the first spokenOur annual recognition of the service and English festival to be hosted at Ellesmere College. achievements of our CCF Cadets from all Natt Kritchanarat joined students from Lakelands Academy, Ellesmere, and thethree contingents was celebrated in the Arts Corbet School, Baschurch, to take the winning spot in one of the three areas ofCentre with presentations by Lt Col. Martin the inaugural Viva Voce Spoken English Festival. Clewlow to all the Year 13 leavers.The festival, which was held in the Arts Centre at Ellesmere College, was a hugeTies and medals were awarded to all the success and there are now plans to expand the event next year with morestudents in the contingents with their schools taking part. associated ranks, and trophies awarded to best cadets for each of the CCF contingents as well Daniel Bottom, Head of English at Ellesmere College, said: "We are absolutelyas overall Best CCF CadetMaxwell B! delighted with the way the inaugural Viva Voce Festival went and congratulationsMany congratulations to everyone who go to all those students who took partthe competition was keenly contested. received their awards and may your "There were three categories: The Grigoras Award for Poetry Recitation,experiences, leadership, teamwork and The Bittmann Award for Dramatic Reading and The Chankseliani Award forresilience skills help guide you on the next Presenting, and the judging was led by Mr Jack Swanston, Head of Higherstage of your life journey!Education and Careers at Repton School."The students demonstrated considerable confidence, precision and agility as they delivered their pieces, all within a four-minute time limit and to an extremely high standard."The Viva Voce Festival was the culmination of a lot of hard work and in order to help students prepare, they all took part in spoken English workshops on May 16th, again held at Ellesmere College. These sessions were planned and delivered by our Year 12 International Baccalaureate (IB) students."The titles of the three Viva Voce categories are recognition for three of our Year 13 IB students whose passion for spoken English and oracy led to the Viva Voce programme itself."All three, Emma Bittmann, Iris Grigoras and Davit Chankseliani represented Ellesmere College in public speaking competitions and all three wona tremendous achievement"We are already looking forward to next year and building on the success of this year\'s festival. The 2024 Viva Voce programme, including workshops and competition, will be expanded with more local schools taking part."Duke of Edinburgh Canoeing Green Team: Step into SpringAs well as testing our students academic skills and attributes with exams in the summer term, we alsoOur Green Team have come out of hibernation and sprung into spring with challenge them outside the classroomenthusiasm!building other key life skills suchThey\'ve been digging, weeding, and tidying the gardens around the greenhouse, as resilience, teamwork, leadership,and planting out seedlings! initiative and determination with cocurricular activities includingIt really encourages a diversity of animals and birds intothe garden and the The Duke of Edinburgh\'s Award.students appreciate and learn about nature, conservation and sustainability.In preparation for their final assessed Expo at the end of the Summer term, this team of 19 Yr 12 students took part in a practice canoeing weekend to ensure they were well prepared for it! Their resilience and teamwork shone through some tough and challenging conditions but they did it. roll on final Assessed Expo Week! EllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college Ellesmere College Newsletter Lent/Summer 20238 9'