b'Academic Biology Olympiad Medal WinnersSixth Form Information EveningIn an impressive showing at theThe Evening provided the perfect opportunity for prospective students and their parents to view the facilities and talk British Biology Olympiad, our yearthrough with staff everything relating to taking up a Sixth Form place at the College, with current students acting as 13 students have excelled, earningSubject Ambassadors.well-deserved certificates. Notably,It is aimed at giving future students and their families as much detail as possible about the benefits of choosing Ellesmere Cal Adlard\'s exceptional performanceCollege for their academic and personal journey.secured them a coveted Gold certificate, placing them in the topBrendan Wignall, Headmaster of Ellesmere College, said: "We are rightly proud of our facilities, and our academic success. 5% of participants. Aditi ChezhianThe broad range of curricular opportunities and world class sporting achievements hold their own with the best, which i. achieved a Silver certificate, whilewhy it\'s important to showcase this through our information events to future students.Davit Chankseliani and Amanda Bani"The Sixth Form Information Evening is a marvellous opportunity for prospective students and families to learn more about both received Bronze certificates.us and talk with our staff in an informal setting about the College and the courses available to them which includes a broad These outstanding results highlightrange of A Levels, BTEC and International Baccalaureate."the dedication and aptitude of our students, supported by our exceptional biology faculty. Congratulations to Cal, Aditi, Davit, Amanda, and all participants for their remarkable achievements, showcasing their talent and passion for biology on aglobal stage.Cal AdlardGold Aditi ChezhianSilver Davit ChankselianiBronzeWorld Book Day Amanda BaniBronzeHPL Conference at Warwick University We had some wonderfully creative costumes celebrating World Book Day here at Ellesmere College in Lower School with the KS2 children Ellesmere College students weregetting inspired by their favourite honoured to be invited once again toauthors, stories and allowing their this years annual High Performanceimaginations to take flight!Learning(HPL) conference at theFrom Harry Potter to a Joke Book, University of Warwick. Oompa-Loompas to Little Red Our Yr 9 pupil George G, and SixthRiding Hood, The Fantastic Mr. Fox to Formers Marie, Melanie and NeliWhere\'s Wally. the students had a did a formidable job presenting theirwonderful dayand we even got a personal HPL journeys to a discerningmention on the BBC World Book Day international audience at the prestigiousLive Lesson.4th annual HPL conference.The students talked eloquently about the ACPs they have developed by research into ancient civilisations, the ways in which they have embedded VAAs in theatre studies, and the notable differences HPL highlights between the UK and Eastern European education systems. They made a strong case for HPL as part of a holistic education that ensures students proactively enjoy academic challenge and are \'Life:Ready\'.Well done to all the students who presented and to the HPL Staff at Ellesmere College for your support.EllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college Ellesmere College Newsletter Lent/Summer 20236 7'