b'5 Choir Concert City DrinkOn the Friday evening our wonderfully talented students took to the stage to showcase their incredible vocal andOn Thursday, June 8th, the Antelope instrumental skills, also joined by the Community Choir and led by Tony Coupe, Director of Music for Ellesmere Collegepub, Belgravia, London, played host to Choirs across the school, ensembles and soloists, as well as our fabulous rock bands impressed a packed Big School, and asa lively OE City Drinks event.well as a joyous occasion it was also the chance to say goodbye to our musical Year 13 leavers, who we wish all the very bestThis highly anticipated gathering saw for their future endeavours!a fantastic turnout of enthusiastic Old Thank you to everyone who took part, supported and accompanied - including Kevin Whitely, Gaenor Ellis and Simon Fisher -Ellesmerians, all eager to reconnect what a wonderful evening! and reminisce. Laughter filled the air as attendees engaged in heartwarming catch-ups, making the evening a resounding success.It was wonderful to see so many old faces and lots of new one too, and we look forward to seeing more at the next OE event in October 2023. EllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college Ellesmere College Newsletter Lent/Summer 202316 17'