b"8:308:308:30Ellesmere College UK@ellesmerecoll Liked by you and 826 others Liked by you and 803 others Liked by you and 430 othersEllesmere College's recent non-uniform day raised Ellesmere College Green Team after learning allan incredible 929.36 which will go towards ourWe are very happy to be included among the UK's about different animals and their habitats, the teamchosen charities - Young Minds and MHESS (Mentalbest schools for Cricket in The Cricketer Schools Guide 2024! went litter picking around the local area, helping toHealth at Ellesmere Support System). Thank you so ensure those habitats are well protected. much to everyone who supported this! #EllesmereCollegeCricket #TOP100Cricket #LifeAtEllesmere #ProtectEnvironment#ShropshireSchoolCricket #CricketAtEllesmere#MHESS #MentalHealthAtEllesmereCollege #NonuniformDay#GreenTeamAtEllesmere View All Comments .8:30 View All Comments 8:308:30 2 HOUR AGO SEE TRANSLATIONView All Comments 2 HOUR AGO. SEE TRANSLATION2 HOUR AGO. SEE TRANSLATIONLiked by you and 519 others Liked by you and 216 others Liked by you and 703 othersMiddle School Bio Bakes competition!On the 30th November was Lower School's annual The winners were: Gulwali Passarlay, the internationally renowned Key Stage 3 - Eva FordChristmas tree lighting, two youngest membersauthor of 'The Lightless Sky', came to Ellesmere Key Stage 4 - Lyra Coxof our school were given the important task ofand share his story with us.Key Stage 5 - Izzy Crippsturning on the lights! Once again, it looks absolutely#LowerSchoolGeogrophy #LifeReady Well done to everyone for taking part!beautiful!#EllesmereCollege #LifeAtEllesmere #GulwaliPassarlay#MiddleSchool #EllesmereCollegeBioBake #LifeAtEllesmere #LowerSchool #ChristmasAtEllesmereView All Comments View All Comments. SEE TRANSLATION View All Comments2 HOUR AGO2 HOUR AGO. 2 HOUR AGO. SEE TRANSLATIONSEE TRANSLATIONEllesmere College Newsletter Michaelmas Term 20233"