b'Charity Concert: Race Against Dementia After a year of planning involving our good friends RobinWe were joined by the wonderful choir from Adcote and David Mullock, the College was delighted to presentSchool, led by Emma Hope, who performed a range a music concert in combination with Sir Jackie Stewartsof songs in which the highlight for me was an a-capella Race Against Dementia charity on Friday 13th October.arrangement of Royals by Lorde. With a staggering number of people suffering withOlivia Philbin sang a beautiful Aria from The Marriage of Figaro dementia around the world, the community of Ellesmereand Freddy Bullen, who is our new Mullock Music Scholar, gave College came together to raise much-needed funds fora very fine performance of Bridge Over troubled Water.ongoing research into cures and treatments. In all we raised 2,300. Lower School Choir lit up the stage with broad smiles as they performed With a Little Help from My Friends and this The concert was designed to be life-affirming, celebratorywas followed by blazing dance moves as they treated us all and also, at times, reflective. The performers, young andto Rick Astleys classic, Never Gonna Give You Up.young at heart brought energy and joy to Big School and IChamber Choir brought great beauty to In My Life by had to remind myself that we were only in Week 5 of thethe Beatles to end the first half, and the Chapel Choirs new academic yearthese are all ensembles who haveperformances of The Colours of My Life and Fields of just formed and they were, in the words of Craig Revel- Gold were sublime. Horwood, AMAZING! As we came towards the end of the concert, the raffle From the orchestras rendition of Uptown Girl underwas drawn including autographed prizes from Sir Jackie the direction of Simon Fisher to the Choral SocietysStewart and a last minute contribution of a signed Small Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring by Bach and the Small FurryFurry Animals T-shirt. The audience, who were brilliant from Animals rocking out to American Idiot, it is fair to saythe start, joined the performers for a rendition of What a this was a diverse programme. Wonderful World reminding us all that despite the many challenges we face, beauty and kindness are never far away.Senior School House PlayMeynell TalbotWoodard Wakeman-LambartEllesmere College Newsletter Michaelmas Term 202311'