b'LeadershipStudents awarded for contribution to conservationismThe John Muir Award at the College has been successfully running alongside the Survive & Thrive programme for over a year now and encourages students in Years 7 and 8 to observe and conserve the wild spaces around them - both at the College and at home. The students get the opportunity to participate in a number of activities every Wednesday afternoon to stretch and challenge them, learn life skills, build resilience and leadership, and take part in activities such as wildlife conservation, climate workshops, making bug hotels, map reading, cycling and more.One group of students who took part in the John Muir Award last year, were delighted to learn that they had been awarded Gold Certificates by the John Muir Award for their contribution to the programme over the course of the year, including planting and maintaining the Woodland Trust donated hedge located between the Tennis Centre and Lower School.Annual CCF AwardsIn recognition of the hard work, commitment and dedicationJames has shown the utmost commitment to the CCF, and to the CCF (Combined Cadet Force) over the time thedemonstrated outstanding leadership, resilience, team work, students have been at the College, the outgoing Year 13and initiative across all aspects of the programme in both CCF contingent were presented with their medals andin-school activities and external training.trophies by Lt. Col. Clewlow, Contingent Commander, at aMany congratulations to all of those who leave us with a key short ceremony.set of life skills that will serve them throughout their life, as The recipient of The Blake Hartley Trophy for Best Cadetwell as the lifelong connections they have made through the in Year 13 this year was James Manton for his outstandingCCF training, camps and manoeuvres. contribution to the CCF. Alongside his A level studies, EllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college8'